I unfortunately forgot my camera in my dorm room, so all the above pictures I took from others on my trip. We also got a chance to do some glassblowing, which is something that Okinawa has become famous for only in the past sixty years. I also do not have any pictures for when we got a chance to play the sanshin, an Okinawan instrument that was the precursor to the shamisen. All in all it was an excellent trip.
A week ago I went on a field trip to Yasukuni Shrine, pictured above. This was the national shrine until a constitution forbidding a state religion was adopted after the war. In it, all the soldiers who have "sacrificed for the Emperor" are enshrined and deified. There is a museum attached dedicated to remembering Japan's fallen soldiers, or more specifically everything that they did that was not a war crime. The place is pretty controversial because it enshrined something like seven class A war criminals. I had a more lighthearted field trip last Saturday to Kamakura, which is just southwest of Tokyo and was the capital a little less than a thousand years ago. We went to a Buddhist temple, the gate of which is pictured below Yasukuni. Below is a Shinto wedding taking place at the shrine we went to following the temple.
That is all the exciting news I have for the past few weeks. I hope to get out a little more in the coming weeks. I still have three or four places on my list of destinations in Tokyo that I hope to get to before I go, but I do have a good deal of work ahead of me. I think I should be able to find time to visit most of them. At any rate, until next time I leave you with the Kamakura Daibutsu (Kamakura Great Buddha). He was two or three stories tall, and apparently quite old.