In about seven hours I will be boarding the plane to fly home. I am kind of having a hard time believing that it's already July. The semester went by very quickly. Above is a picture of the Sayonara Party that we had on Friday.

Other than the party, Amelia's visit a week ago (pictured above), and our fourth of July celebration (pictured below), not much has been happening recently. The robot above is in Odaiba, a man made island fairly close to Shinagawa station (which is the southern end of Tokyo) . The have a lot of crazy stuff and interesting buildings there. Below is the fourth of July party we held in a park near Tokyo Disney. We rented a couple grills and made hamburgers and hotdogs and then set off some fireworks in the evening.

I had several papers and tests all stacked on top of one another, as per usual. I took my last exam and handed in my last paper on Thursday and I just finished packing last night. Now I just need to put my computer away and I will be finished with that, so I suppose I should go ahead and do that. I'm not sure I can emphasize how much of an excellent experience Japan was. That being said, all good things must come to an end. I suppose that's it for now. I'll write again when I'm back in the states. Goodbye for now.