Well, after getting accustomed to my area and in the middle of a week of training, I'm finally getting around to posting about my new place. I'm in what's called a "Mansion Style" apartment, presumably named by someone with a sense of irony. Generally they're a single room with a bathroom. I'd say this one is at the nicer end. I'm on the first floor. Below is the view as you enter through the door on the left and my kitchenette on the right.
The size of the kitchen area is the biggest drawback I've found so far. Well, that and apparently the walls are thin enough that I can hear the tenant above me snoring at night. I guess the walls are as thin as I was told to expect. Also, having no counter space is kind of a pain. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with it. Moving on, below is the view if you turn left after entering the apartment. As you see, it came with a washing machine and utilities are included in the price, so that's a definite plus. The toilet is the door on the left and the shower is the door on the right.

Next is the main room. This is taken from the doorway next to the kitchen.

The bed about three feet off the ground to make a nice storage space underneath. Accordingly, they built in steps between the bed and desk.

The table leg is on a wheel so it can roll under and the table can fold up to be out of the way for more floor space, which will be useful if I ever have guests staying over. The wall behind it would be blank were it not for the mirror, the garbage schedule, and...

...a little something I found at the dollar store and thought would make a good wall decoration.

So that's my apartment. My first day at the school will be Friday, which will have an unusual schedule to accommodate some sort of singing competition the school is involved in. I probably won't know more until the day of, so more on that later. Also, I wanted to get some pictures today, but today was so overcast that it was practically dark enough by the time I was coming home, so hopefully I'll have time to do that this weekend. Until then, I suppose that's all.